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Retro RePost: 25 Things That Make 90s Kids Think of Summer

Last summer, I wrote an article where I proclaimed that kids today are missing out on the things that made our summers in the 90s so great.  As I pointed out in another recent article, it was because we didn't have the constant supervision that children growing up after the turn of the century do.  

We were creative and entertained ourselves rather than be entertained by others.  I created entire storylines and universes with my action figures that lasted the whole summer.  My fantasy professional wrestling leagues were played out in my head and the fledgling days of the internet.  My brother and I spent an entire summer learning to beat the computer game Doom.  

In that article I wrote last summer, I came up with a list of 25 things that make my generation think back on those wonderful summers of the 1990s.  

Today, for the Camp YesterYear Friday RePost, please enjoy 25 Things That Make 90s Kids Think of Summer!
