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Retro RePost: National Lampoon's Vacation Post Cards

Summertime is a great time to take a road trip.  I've talked several times before here on YetserYear about how much I enjoy a good, long car ride.  Recently, there was a good discussion about traveling the open road on The Retro Network's Slack chat (sign up for the Patreon and join, won't ya?).  

While I may fly for a living, I just prefer getting into a car and driving when it comes to a family vacation.  Sure, flying is easier and quicker, but like Clark Griswold says about taking a long road trip, "Nothing worthwhile is easy!" 

Coming this Monday, National Lampoon's Vacation turns 40!  Can you believe it?  

I thought a fun way to lead into our look at some fun facts about National Lampoon's Vacation this coming Monday would be to take a look at the movie's unique opener for today's Friday RePost!

The opening sequence uses 52 postcards and other vintage photos to establish the excitement of travel and the variety of things to see or do in America.  

Are you taking a road trip this year?  Before you set off in the Family Truckster, please click HERE to see All of the Postcards from National Lampoon's Vacation!
