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Retro RePost: When Macy's Thanksgiving Parade Doesn't Go As Planned

As a kid, I loved the Thanksgiving Day Parade.  Every Thanksgiving morning would start with the excitement a holiday typically does.  I'd entertain myself by playing with my action figures and then sit down to watch the parade while the house started to fill with the smells of Thanksgiving dinner.  Or, more likely, I would wander back and forth from our house to Granny and Gramp's and watch the parade from both homes because it was surely on television in both places, and, as a curious (nosey) kid, I wanted to see what everyone was up to.  

Then, it'd be time for Laurel and Hardy's March of the Wooden Soldiers right before the meal.  Occasionally my Dad would put on football after, but I honestly don't remember much turkey-day football in our house. 

Every year, I tell my wife that I will get back into watching Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.  It never happens, though.  Inevitably, something comes along, and I get sidetracked.  Before I can get back to it, the parade is over, and we're all on to the next thing. 

I have never enjoyed the big song and dance numbers that they intersperse between watching the giant balloons, so I also tend to lose interest quickly, especially now that I'm old enough to not have a clue who 90% of the musical acts are.  

Last year, however, I successfully sat and watched at least an hour of the parade, and maybe this year, I'll get to watch more than an hour!  I look forward to sharing some of the excitement of the balloons and other holiday festivities with our daughter as she grows.  Hopefully, she gets as big of a kick out of the balloons as I did as a kid.

Sometimes, just like my hope of watching the big event, the parade doesn't always go as planned.  One of the last times I remember watching the parade in full was that fateful year, 1997, when there were enough disasters (and injuries!) that the whole shebang changed.  

In today's Retro RePost, I'd like to provide the opportunity to go back and read my 2019 feature titled When the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade Doesn't Go As Planned by clicking HERE!

You may even learn some history of the parade that began in 1924, like when a balloon almost took down a small plane.  Go ahead and read it for more!  

Happy Thanksgiving!
