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Final Summer Thoughts and My Personal Block Party Summer Lineup

Howdy, campers!  Summer has finally come to an end, but what a summer it has been!  

Time goes faster and faster these days, and this summer was no exception.  It started with many hopes and plans, but long hours and flight delays at work put the kibosh on some of them.  Overall, though, we had a lot of fun as a family as we enjoyed each other's time and company.  

Before we know it, we'll be off on our visit to Uncle Mickey's and Aunt Minnie's place in Florida in September.  Then, later this winter, my family and I will be off on an entirely brand-new adventure together that will bring some exciting changes down the road!

Summertime is a season that brings families closer together, often enabling us to create cherished memories that last a lifetime.  While the sun shines bright and hot, families tend to head off on exciting adventures, whether a road trip to the beach, camping in the woods, or a lazy day "staycation" together in the backyard.  We bond, unwind, and reconnect.  It's a magical time, honestly.

Classic television shows also have a special place in the hearts of many, especially during the summertime when relaxation and entertainment go hand in hand.  Gathering around the television set, families eagerly tune in to their favorite programs, creating a sense of togetherness and shared moments.  Timeless sitcoms like "I Love Lucy" and "The Dick Van Dyke Show" provide wholesome entertainment that can be shared among several generations of family members.

Summertime always presented an opportunity for me and others to enjoy classic television.  I could stay up late and see more shows on Nick-at-Nite's famous "Block Party Summer" nightly marathon.  We indulged in back-to-back episodes and escaped into these wholesome, classic worlds of comical antics from our favorite classic stars of yesteryear.  These summertime evenings made for unforgettable moments during my childhood and, I'm sure, many others.

One of the great things about those "golden days" of Nick-at-Nite was that, for me anyway, the sense of nostalgia extended beyond the television set.  Thinking back on those fun summer evenings evokes memories of our living room filled with laughter and warmth (figuratively AND literally since Mom and Dad didn't use the AC) as the aroma of microwave popcorn filled the house.  I also felt safe and comforted, surrounded by loved ones. 

These shows created conversations, memorable moments, and lasting bonds between family members.  Even today, families can come together to reminisce about the characters and stories of those classic shows that brought them together during those summer nights.  

The Block Party Summer was my favorite television "event" growing up.  As a fun feature to close out the summer, I felt it would be fun to create my own version of a Block Party Summer lineup based on what was available to Nick-at-Nite during the 90s.  

You can check the various lineups from throughout the years HERE as a refresher.  

So, here's how I would book the Nick-at-Nite Block Party if I was running things back in the 90s.

On Mondays, I'd have to go with The Munsters.  Munsters Mondays, to me, were always more enjoyable than when they'd play The Mary Tyler Moore Show.  I didn't relate to or enjoy MTM and always preferred watching The Munsters.

On Tuesdays, I'd have to keep the Nick-at-Nite tradition alive and go with I Love Lucy.  Lucy Tuesdays was a Nick-at-Nite staple, not just during the Block Party Summer.  Occasionally throughout the year, Liucy Tuesdays would air a mini-marathon of I Love Lucy or The Lucy Show.  

On Wednesdays, I'd move slightly more modern after the two shows from the 1950s and 60s and pick Happy Days.  Believe it or not, this was one of my favorite shows as a kid.  I'm not exactly sure why, but I always loved The Fonz.  Ironically, back then, my favorite episode was when he "jumped the shark."

For Thursdays, I'd bring it back to one of the classics and air The Dick Van Dyke Show.  More nights were shared laughing with Dad to Dick Van Dyke than anything, except I Love Lucy.  

Finally, on Fridays, I'd include The Wonder Years.  When Nick-at-Nite included this show in the lineup, I always felt it was a great lead into the weekend, so it fits on Friday.  Thinking of The Wonder Years reminds me of weekends when my Uncle would visit, and we'd stay up late watching The Wonder Years in search of the elusive "Rolling Stones episode."  When Nick played the show when I was in middle school, it always hit at a particular moment in a way that the episode reflected events in my daily life.  Nowadays, it reminds me of school-time friendships, girls, dances, and other weekend activities of my youth.  

I feel like I need to go pop in some DVDs and make my own Block Party Summer!  What would your lineup be?  Leave me a comment below!  I'd love to hear it.

This brings our summer of 2023 to a close.  I hope you had a fun, happy, and healthy summer.  Thanks for coming back each week, and hopefully, you enjoyed Camp YesterYear.  

Camp dismissed!


  1. Oh my. A chance to program my own Nick at Night block party. Let's see...I'd start the week off with right with Happy Days on Monday. Then on Tuesday we'd get serious with a run of Dragnet. Wednesday would be Wings night, while Thursday would be reserved for Night Court. Then we'd finish off the week with a night of The Wonder Years as you suggested on Friday.
