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New Year's and WPIX "The Honeymooners" and SyFy's "Twilight Zone" Marathons

Every year on New Year's, I plan to write an article that reflects on the hopes and dreams that a brand new year can bring.  Something people find meaningful in the long run...  

Maybe next year!  :)

Not to break any fourth walls or anything, but I haven't written more than a few lines in nearly three months. Almost everything that popped up on this site over the holidays was written before Halloween.

Shortly after, my family and I packed our bags and drove south to Florida.  I've been learning some new skills at the day job, and that required a six-plus week visit to my company's training center in Orlando.  Training can be stressful enough, but flying home to visit my family in New England would be nearly impossible with one day off a week over the big end-of-year holidays.  

With our daughter being so young, we thought this would be one of the last times we'd get to do something crazy, so we packed our car to the gills, rented an Airbnb, and spent Thanksgiving and Christmas in Orlando!  As it turned out, my class schedule got so messed up that had they not been with me, I wouldn't have been able to see them for weeks at a time, including Christmas Eve and Christmas!

It was exciting and occasionally stressful, but we made many, many lifelong memories.  We spent every night together during what is usually an isolating training event.  We also used our annual passes heavily, spending plenty of time with Aunt Minnie and Uncle Mickey during the festive holiday celebrations at the Magic Kingdom!  While I was in class during those 6 or 7 weeks, there was only a handful of days that they didn't visit a Disney park!  I went as often as possible, but they became even bigger Disney aficionados while they were here!

And now, in what feels like the blink of an eye, we are back home.  New Year's Eve is upon us already!

We like to hunker down on New Year's.  It's typically a cold night in the Northeast, and we like to cuddle up and stay home.  No parties or big bashes for us... besides, we're old now... and with a kid, we'd be home by 7 or 8 anyway.  Honestly, I'd want to be home by 7 without having a little one, but it sure is a good excuse!  

When we lived on Long Island, we would order Chinese takeout and stuff ourselves silly.  We're coming up on our second New Year's in New England and haven't found acceptable Chinese food yet.  We used to be within walking distance of some great food, but up here, the food is more often a miss than a hit.

Before having our daughter, we always used the New Year's holiday to watch some good marathons on television.  We liked to watch The Honeymooners marathon on WPIX (New York's Channel 11) right at the stroke of midnight and then head to bed after the first few episodes.  We cannot get PIX 11 up here, so I'll have to figure something else out.

Speaking of marathons, we also liked to record our favorite Twilight Zone episodes from the annual SyFy Twilight Zone marathon.  

Having cut the cord, it will be a little harder this year to watch these marathons, and if you'd like, go ahead and take a gander at an article I wrote in 2021 about both of them.  That article covers why I think we all consider marathons important events, the nostalgia they provide us older folk, and why these two marathons, particularly, are important to me.  

Please CLICK HERE to read that article.  

If you're looking for even more to read about myself and The Twilight Zone, you can check out an article from 2020 that features my Top 10 Twilight Zone episodes by CLICKING HERE.  I also posted my favorite Honeymooners episodes in 2019, so CLICK HERE if you'd like to check that out, too!

As always, thank you for reading my site.  You all make this little hobby of mine worthwhile!  Have a Happy and Healthy New Year, everyone!  Here's to a GREAT 2024!
